Your Stories2015-08-14


    “Working with our hometown merchants association & event officials we were able to create this truly unique moment combining social media, drones and a good time! ”

    Last summer we set out determined to work with our favirote local event Truckee Thursdays. When brain storming ideas we came up with a way to get more event attendies to particpate with Truckee Thursdays social media campains. The idea was simple get the crowd to hold up large signs that spell out #TruckeeThursdays, while we capatured the image from above using our Phantom 2. The result was far better then we could have ever expected. Participants were thrilled to hold the signs and ended up dancing with them the whole night, creating some really unique video footage. That was later used in the Truckee Tursday's commercial we were orginaly set out to make. Furthermore particpents loved seeing the drone and were thrilled to smile and wave!